Friday, September 18, 2015

From the Family of God for the Family of God

This mission is not our own.  We nine men are representing a broader whole, the Family of God.  That is you, the readers of this blog and those who support us in so many ways.  In a certain way, we are taking you with us.  With our posts and pictures you will be able to see the World Meeting of Families from our vantage point.  But we also take you with us through our prayers.  All of your needs and prayer intentions will be carried with us as we journey to see Peter and the Apostles.  That is, Pope Francis and the bishops of the Catholic Church.

This is also a unique opportunity for the two seminaries to come together.  This picture sums it up.  On the left you see St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver Colorado where 12 of our men study.  On the right is Mount Angel Seminary in St. Benedict Oregon where three more men study for a total of 15 Diocese of Helena seminarians.  In the middle lies the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the source an summit of our priestly formation.  Flanking the Cross is our vocation slogan: "From the family of God for the family of God."

We are not self made men.  Without the support of the Church in Helena and the universal Church, we could not carry on nor would we have a reason to.  Therefore, in the days that lie ahead we would like to give you a glimpse into the lives of those you invest so much of your prayers and money into, the Helena Boys.

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